Anvifish: Exported over 2,200 MT of pangasius in first two months of 2011

In Q4/2010 Viet An Joint Stock Company

According to its 2010-2012 business plan, Anvifish planned to gain, in 2010, VND 1,800 billion of net sales, VND 152 billion of profit before tax and VND 137 billion of net profit.

The company expected to reach turnover growth of 20 percent for 2011 and 2012 by starting its new processing plant in Cho Moi district and expanding its exports to Africa and Brazil.

In first two months of 2011, Anvifish has exported over 2,200 MT of pangasius fillets and other pangasius products, generating US$6.5 million.

Up to the end of February, 2011, Anvifish ranked the 6th among top pangasius exporters and was in the top 20 seafood exporters in Vietnam.

In April 4, 2011, Anvifish held the 2011 Annual General Meeting of shareholders, where election result and the list of Board of Directors for 2011-2015 were adopted. Mr. Luu Bach Thao was elected as a Chairman and General Director of the company.

Anvifish is processing and exporting pangasius to EU, US and Asia. In 2010, the company’s plant processed averagely 250MT of pangasius per day. This year, Anvifish tries to reach VND1,800 billion of turnover. The advantage of the company is 2 pangasius farms of 150 hectares which are certificated by Global GAP.


Mr Luu Bach Thao - Chairman and General Director

Add: National Road 91, Thanh An Hamlet, My Thoi Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Provice
Tel: (+84) 076 3932545 / 3932258
Fax: (+84) 076 3932554




Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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