An Giang: July seafood exports surged 30 percent

( According to An Giang Department of Industry and Trade, in July 2013, the province exported over 15.6 thousand MT of seafood, valued at US$40 million, equal to the volume of the previous month and accounting for the 98 percent of value of the previous month.

Through the year to date, seafood exports of the province were estimated to reach 102.1 thousand MT, worth US$255.2 million, up 32 percent in volume and 15.7 percent in value compared to the same period of 2012. These figures are equivalent to 65.8 percent in volume and 56.7 percent in value of the yearly plan.

In Jul 2013, the average export price of the province was US$2,550 per MT. An Giang exported directly to 78 countries, including America (14 countries-taking the highest proportion of 53 percent) and EU (23 countries – accounting for 17 percent).



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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