Agifish held a meeting with its pangasius suppliers

On April 8 2011 An Giang Fisheries

In his speech at the meeting, the Agifish’s General Director Nguyen Van Ky highlighted the relationship between pangasius suppliers and the company, based on mutual comprehension and respect in business. In Q1/2011, these suppliers provided to Agifish 15.000MT of raw pangasius, and this is expected to rise to about 60,000MT until late 2011. Therefore, Agifish always assured their material supply in both quality and quantity. For business plan, Mr. Ky engaged suppliers to provide them aid in input cost, ensure payment’s deadline and go with them through difficulties in production chain.

In his part, Mr. Hoe provided participants information about export markets, export prices, anti-dumping duty applied by the U.S and market requirements on quality and food safety.

The President of VASEP Freshwater Fish Committee, Duong Ngoc Minh reported feed prices and forecasted output cost, pangasius volume and export prices for the farming season until late 2011. Facing inflation, high bank loan rate causing limited access to loans, pangasius farmers need to be linked closely to processors in order to benefit financial aid, make a stable output and efficient production.

The meeting was in a warm and opened ambition which enhanced mutual comprehension between partners. At the meeting, Agifish’s Board of Directors honored 6 people successfully ensuring pangasius supply in both quality and quantity.




Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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