700 million VND/ha from Hau Giang tilapia farming

Nguyen Duc Minh Head Officer of Agriculture

Hau Giang farmers are getting much profit in harvest season of the new tilapia called Hau Giang tipalia (square – head tilapia).

Nguyen Duc Minh, Head Officer of Agriculture, Forest and Fishery Management under Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Hau Giang said that this year, 350 ha were used for farming Hau Giang tilapia. Currently, harvest capacity from 30% of areas in Long My, Vi Thuy, Phung Hiep reaches around 70 tons/ha averagely.

This tilapia was found out in Vinh Thuan Tay two years ago. Due to high weight and capacity, this fish has been widely raised by Vi Thuy farmers. The fishery industry in Hau Giang is looking for the way to export this fish.



Ms Thu Hang

Email: thuhang@vasep.com.vn

Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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