Seanamico: Shrimp exports to Europe increased by 10%

( In the first 8 months of 2014, Namcan Seaproducts Import Export Joint Stock Company (Seanamico) exported 1,742 MT of shrimp, earning over US$ 31 million. Europe is the major market for this company, followed by Japan and other Asian markets.

Demand for shrimp imports in Europe got better this year. Shrimp exports to Europe of Seanamico upped 10% year on year.

Meanwhile Japanese did not buy as much shrimp as last year. Consumption was slower. Frozen shrimp, including two main types, known as whiteleg shrimp and black tiger shrimp, is accounted for 90% total shrimp consumed In Japan. Japanese consumes frozen shrimp mainly from Southeast Asia, especially from Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Whiteleg shrimp is currently sold at US$ 12/kg, up US$ 2.50 from the beginning of June. More people switch to whiteleg shrimp, harvest reduced making price for black tiger shrimp. Global price of black tiger shrimp, as a result, increased by 10% comparing to March 2014. Wholesale prices for Indonesian shrimp in Japan rose from JPY 3,400 to  JPY 3,500 per 1.8 kg. High shrimp price affected business performance of the restaurants. Shrimp is now off the menu in many restaurants in Japan.



Ms Kim Thu


Tel: 84.24.3771.5055 (ext 203)

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