The whiteleg shrimp farming area in Quang Ninh in 2002 was just 200ha, with an output of 700MT, accounting for 34.65 percent of the province’s total shrimp production.
In 2009, the whiteleg shrimp farming area reached 3,500ha, an increase of 3,300ha compared with 2002, representing 35.85 percent of the province’s brackish water aquaculture area, concentrating in Mong Cai, Hoanh Bo, Yen Hung, Dam Ha, Hai Ha and Van Don.
In the past, extensive and modified extensive farming models with one crop per year were mainly applied for whiteleg shrimp farming in Quang Ninh. Nowadays, farmers shift to semi-intensive and intensive models with two crops per year, which bring an output of around 16-18MT per ha per crop, much higher than the average black tiger shrimp output of 3-7MT per ha per crop. Quang Ninh now has 8 shrimp hatcheries, including 4 whiteleg shrimp hatcheries with the combined output of 400 million of juveniles per year. In 2009, the province produced 500 million of whiteleg shrimp juveniles, meeting only 20 percent of the local farmers’ demand, meanwhile, the remaining 80 percent had to be imported from other provinces or from China. The provincial Sub-department of Aquaculture reported that from the beginning of the year to now local farmers have stocked 1.1 billion whiteleg shrimp juveniles with an output of more than 2,600MT. The whiteleg shrimp output this year is expected to reach around 5,000MT, accounting for 73.88 percent of the province’s total farmed shrimp production. (VietFishNews)