Aquaculture markets, future trends and perspectives

This is the presentation of Dr. Paul Steinar Valle (Kontani, Norway) in the Conference “Future perspective of fisheries and aquaculture” in the framework of Vietfish 2018.

Fisheries and Aquaculture supplies by continent


Aquaculture is expected to play an central role in feeding the world!


90 % of farmed seafood produced in Asia!


The growing population needs food
Of the growth, 54 % will occur in Africa and 36 % in Asia to 2050


AND, China and the rest of Asia are assumed to be the fastest growing seafood markets!


Production of main finfish species, from GOAL, GAA, 2017, 2004-2018, + 5 % 2017-18


The growth in Aquaculture Production of Fish Species has stabilized from the mid 2000 (Goal 2017)


Percentage growth by species, 2007-2017 (Goal 2017)


Percentage growth by group, 2007-2017 (Goal 2017)


Consumers …?

Buy at supermarkets (74 %)

Look for

- Fresh seafood

- Convenience/Easy to prepare/Ready to eat products

Supermarkets need stable supplies => farming and expect seafood to grow 

AND – Seafood Online trade is coming – China leading on

What do consumers look for?
(Europe, EU)

High risk for diseases/biosecurity issues (G. Nikolik, Rabobank)

Farming in an open environment

Small holders

Rapid growth in production combined with increasing farming density

> 90 % is tropical(high biodiversity) climate

Mostly developing country industry (grey sector/lack of legislation)  

Aquatic animals are recently domesticated – we do not know what we lost while breeding for growth

Investors look more to Aquaculture – due to technology and growth (Rabobank)

Venture capital – attracted by new technology

Private equity – moving from seafood processing to aquaculture value chain technology. Increasingly understand disease risk and cyclicality of aquaculture better

Family & sovereign wealth funds – attracted by long term growth drivers of aquaculture, modernization and technology changes

Listed equity investors – primarily attracted by stellar share performance of listed salmon companies, but increasingly interested in the rest of the industry

«The wickedness of Aquaculture» (Osmundsen et al. 2017)

- Great extent of uncertainty!! – It’s a young sector!! 

- Lack of firm knowledge e.g. with respect to

+ Diseases

+ Environmental impacts

+ Conflicts with other user interests

+ New – disruptive technological and other – solutions

- Responses

+ Building competence

+ Collaboration 

+ Being adaptable

The presentation of Dr. Paul Steinar Valle (Kontani, Norway) in the framework of Vietfish 2018
